Press kit
Nzoy Commission
Moserstrasse 30, 3014 Bern
IBAN CH56 0900 0000 1621 8721 2
Press kit
Unfortunately, the Independent Commission for the Investigation of the Death of Roger Nzoy Wilhelm is not surprised by the public prosecutor's decision to drop the case, shocking as it is. The Commission sees it as an expression of structural violence and scandalous partiality, as can regularly be observed in such proceedings.
Press conference
Pressekonferenz von Border Forensics und der Unabhängigen Kommission zur Aufklärung des Todes von Roger Nzoy Wilhelm, 10. November 2023.
Das vorliegende Dokument ist eine Transkription der Audioaufnahmen. Die meisten Interventionen wurden für die deutsche Version aus dem Französischen übersetzt.
Press release
38-year-old Roger Wilhelm from Zurich was shot dead by a police officer at Morges station on 30.8.2021. Wilhelm was left lying on his stomach for six and a half minutes without the police officers present providing first aid. Despite this, the public prosecutor's office of the canton of Vaud announced on October 10, 2023 that it would not bring charges of homicide or failure to render assistance.
Press kit
Dear media representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are addressing you to draw attention to the homicide of Roger Nzoy Wilhelm and the related trial. The public prosecutor of the canton of Vaud wants to close the case. The scientific reports from our independent commission as well as the film from the scientific research organization Border Forensics, presented at the press conference on November 10th, 2023, highlight numerous inconsistencies and unanswered questions.
Press conference
The Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Death of Roger Nzoy Wilhelm invites you to a press conference on Friday, November 10, 2023, 10 a.m., Théâtre de Vidy, Av. Emile-Henri-Jaques-Dalcroze 5, 1007 Lausanne
Press release
The independent, civil law Expert:innenkommission sets itself the task of comprehensively clarifying the circumstances that led to the death of Roger Nzoy Wilhelm at the Morges train station.
This overview list includes media reports on deaths and health damage of prisoners in connection with detention.
Two years ago, police killed Roger Nzoy at the Morges train station. The ongoing criminal investigation reveals new contradictions of the police. The victim's family doubts the independence of the prosecution.
Again the Vaudois police kills a black man. Who was the man his friends called him Nzoy?
In Morges, the police shoot a Black man. Afterwards, they say that the color of his skin did not play a role. But the radio transmissions of the officers tell a different story. The reconstruction of a fatal police operation.